Montag, 25. Juni 2018

Warner Movie Park Bottrop Troop

Due to the DSGVO, a new law concerning copyrights, adresses, names, pictures and so on, i cannot post pictures from the last troop of other people. so here is a single pic only (i don´t know these star wars nerds!! LOL):

But i can tell you it was a great day at Warner Movie Park last saturday!

We were around 150 + people having a great Cosplay day!

Have a look on the YouTube channel called Cosplay Channel!

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2018

Poe Dameron Figure

another cool gift from good friends; they brought me a poe dameron figure (as x-wing pilot). with blaster!

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018

Temporarily stopped

the ali frame series project has been stopped for a while now. actually i have not enough builder that are interested in a budget ali frame in europe.

the second problem is the financial part; this thing is not an easy number! i have to pay forward for the making of the cad files (changes in construction) and the parts too.

on the other side i don´t want to have money from the builders up front. (problem!!)

and i want to double check, if everything is allright before offering the frames to other builders. i do not need any problems and issues with the parts and builders.

so i will order the parts for one frame for me and see, is everything is ok. then i will start the next step...

Montag, 18. Juni 2018

Birthday Gifts

I must have been a good boy! Because here are some of the gifts i got for my anniversary:

(Of course i will show you my star wars related stuff only!!)

Samstag, 2. Juni 2018

Set of steel feet

okay, today, it´s saturday and 4 p.m., i am still at work, i will finish the last foot for another r2 builder waiting now for a very long time...

two feet are completely welded, grinded and media blasted at least two weeks ago, but the third one had to wait. now it´s time...

and here they are, already packed and ready to be sent:

Freitag, 1. Juni 2018

DSGVO...oder die neue datenschutzverordnung kann so bescheuert sein !!

okay, in anbetracht der erheblichen umstände, die die neue datenschutzverordnung macht, habe ich die kontaktfunktion über das kontaktformular ausgeschaltet. ihr könnt zwar einen beitrag verfassen, der wird allerdings nicht mehr verarbeitet, da er ins nirwana gesendet werden würde (keine empfängeremailadresse).
sämtliche alten geposteten beiträge von euch werden die tage gelöscht werden (müssen), um die datenschutzverordnung einzuhalten.
danke EU !

 D'accord, étant donné les circonstances importantes qui rendent la nouvelle réglementation de protection des données, j'ai désactivé la fonction de contact via le formulaire de contact. Vous pouvez écrire une contribution, mais elle ne sera plus traitée car elle sera envoyée au nirwana (pas d'adresse e-mail du destinataire).

tous les anciens messages postés par vous seront (doivent) être supprimés les jours pour se conformer à la réglementation de protection des données.

merci EU!

 okay, given the significant circumstances that make the new data protection regulation, I have turned off the contact function via the contact form. You can write a contribution, but it will not be processed anymore because it would be sent to nirwana (no recipient email address).

all old posts posted by you will be (have to) be deleted the days to comply with the data protection regulation.

thanks EU!

está bien, dadas las circunstancias importantes que hacen que la nueva regulación de protección de datos, he desactivado la función de contacto a través del formulario de contacto. Puede escribir una contribución, pero ya no se procesará porque se enviará a nirwana (sin dirección de correo electrónico del destinatario).

todas las publicaciones antiguas publicadas por usted serán (tendrán que) eliminarse los días para cumplir con la regulación de protección de datos.

gracias EU!