Dienstag, 19. Mai 2020

Room number 2

the second room has almost the same dimensions of space.

the way to restore the room is the same as the first room.

here we won´t store any r2d2 parts or other droids, this will be for the bikes, garden work utilities and other stuff.
there were two doors, that were closed decades ago, and we use this space to build in wooden shelves.

my neighbour the carpenter will build another wooden stairway to get on the upper floor. there is of course plenty of additional storage room for not so often used things.

and after having seen the wooden floor construction of the first room laid out with an industrial carpet, my wife wants to have the same in the other room.

okay, thunderbirds are go!!

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020


I continued the work in the shed. Having enough storage place is essential when you only have 10 m2 of place.
Here you can see the actual state of work in the first room...

My son using the Drilling machine...