due to a short machine stop of the lasercutter (technical problems), i had to wait a few more days.
but now the parts are here and i can begin the work on them!
pic will follow
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due to a short machine stop of the lasercutter (technical problems), i had to wait a few more days.
but now the parts are here and i can begin the work on them!
pic will follow
lee needed my help.
he asked for a set of ali ankles for his droid.
tomorrow i will drive to the metal shop to show my buddy there the desired design changes from lee.
he will change the files for me and get them lasercut in a short time.
i will do the welding and grinding of the parts and hope that this will go easy and quick.
Luckily i bought a rounding machine for metal sheets for up to 1,5 mm thickness.
With that u could relatively easy round the skins for astromech units.
Here the straight ones:
And on the rounding machine:
The finished parts: