Freitag, 23. August 2024

Outer feet greeblies

Here they are, freshly picked up at my favourite lasercutter/metalshop.

Unfortunately the boss didn't mentioned to his employee, that the center channels had to be lasercut too. 

So i hope to get the three sheets on monday.

Dienstag, 20. August 2024


Bad news; the responsible person for the Ali parts is on a short vacation, but will be back on thursday. 

I hope the channel parts and the greeblies are ready until then. 

Unfortunately nobody knows where the parts for the feet actually are.

Montag, 19. August 2024

First outer foot

finding the problem on the welding machine wasn´t that easy! there was metal debris on a transportation roll, so the pressure on the roll and the wire wasn´t as expected. i dismantled everything, gave it a good cleaning and then it worked like on the first day!   

here we are; i started early this morning and the first outer foot is almost done! 

Let´s start with foot number two!

Samstag, 17. August 2024

One last part

The Metal Shop guy will see my message monday morning. I have to wait for the parts.

So i continued on bending the first outer leg parts.

Pic will follow

While putting them together, the welding machine made some problems again.

No constant wire transport, a stuck piece that had to be drilled out with a 1 mm drill (!!) and an almost empty wire roll...

What else can happen??

Ah yes, good friends visiting me in my enterprise stealing my R2 parts building time...😞

Missing parts

there is always a "but"...

i ordered the feet sheets but didn´t get the channel sheets, neither for the center foot, nor the outer feet. so i contacted the metal shop to do them for me. 

the side greeblies are still there because they missed it to press in the threaded studs. i hope to get more (positive) news on monday!

in the meantime i welded the remaining areas of the center foot.

grinding was done so far too!

next on the agenda is the first outer foot. bending, welding, grinding...i hope the welding wire will be enough to get them finished. or should i better order a new roll of welding wire?

Freitag, 16. August 2024

A new center foot

Today i finally got my new Argon gas bottle. I started immediately with the work on the sheets.

Here the first parts welded together:

Unfortunately i had a little problem with the welding machine after some minutes. But i could solve the problem with the help of my neighbour.

So i could continue on spot welding the sheets to a real center foot.

Please keep in mind that they are only spot welded here and there.

Tomorrow i will continue on it hoping the welding machine won't make any more problems!

Samstag, 10. August 2024

New sheets

I just picked up the Ali sheets for the feet.

Unfortunately the Metal Shop forgot to press the threaded studs into the side greeblies, so i will have to go there again next week, when they have done this.

On monday morning i will go to the gas bottle shop to get a new Argon gas bottle in exchange for my empty one.