I have to prepare the three ankles for shipping to the UK.
A good packaging is affordable!
Let´s go!
pic will follow
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I have to prepare the three ankles for shipping to the UK.
A good packaging is affordable!
Let´s go!
pic will follow
Yesterday i started the first Ali ankle for Lee.
Here the parts for all ankles:
The actual situation; i started on the first outer ankle:
you see the little notch on the left side? this is the changed version that lee wanted to have. of course there will be the same from the counterpart plus a strip welded in. in case he doesn´t want to have it this way, it can be cut off easily.
some of the parts weren´t changed in their construction as i wished to have them. so i had to visit the metal shop again to explain all the wanted changes on them.
today was the day of picking up the two last parts.
pic will follow
on saturday i can start assembling and welding all the parts.
as i checked the welding machine, i spotted an almost empty role of welding wire.
so i immediately ordered a new one that arrived yesterday!
pic will follow