Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022

Only a short time

....of 8 days and i suffered again....this time with strong pain in my lower vertebrae area.

Laying in my bed, not able to get out of it...two hours and some stronger pills against the pain and i was able (with help) to get out of it. Next morning to the doc. It was already painful to get in and out of the car, but i made it.

One hour of waiting, two röntgen pics, one failed attempt to get me mobilized by turning my upper and lower body part in different  directions and two injections in my 'gluteus maximus' (yes, google it!) later, i drove home, bought some pills against the pain and went to bed.

Another delay of almost two weeks.

Started working real slow, taking care of my movements. Almost two weeks later a Sinusitis caught me and it took me four days to recover. 

Not a nice thing to finish the year...

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