Samstag, 27. Juni 2020

No more energy...

Well, i intended to work on the legs for R2 today...
I really wanted to...
But when i arrived at my shop today, the first customer was already waiting for me. A good. friend with, obviously, too much free time.
We talked more than one hour. Only minutes after he left, customer number two, another friend from the Vintage VW Scene, came in and 'stole' my time, too.

And then, you guess it, he was out of my shop only for a few minutes, customer number three came and took my last precious free time too!!

So, i did almost nothing today. Shame on me !!
But on the other hand i really worked hard this week. So a free weekend is what i really deserved!!

After weeks of hard working, even on the weekend, a few hours to relax is what i needed.

And for watching my kids guineapigs eating...

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