Dienstag, 26. April 2016

Dome drive support, structural frame and skin problems

of course, those ali dome drive parts from the states look cool, but they are pretty expensive in comparison to the drive version from bernd.
two simple plastic gear parts, one simple motor with the right ratio, one metal gear, a few screws and you´re ready!!
so i will keep this version for my actual r2d2 unit!
the only problem is, how to get everything fixed. there are several ali frames offered, as well the homemade woodden ones adopting the mike senna style, not to forget the styrene frames.

for me, the styrene version of a frame for r2 is good for a static r2. the aging process of the material can´t be stopped! it´s white color changes to a darker creamy white after one or two years, then its loosening its flexibility and it cracks in the end. not good for a moving r2 unit!!

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